Jan 26, 2021
Josh is equal parts Singer-Songwriter, Anglican/Episcopal Priest, and Licensed Mental Health Counselor. Shane visits with him on music, guidance, and the way the Lord using lyric and tune to connect with us.
Josh holds an M.Div. and M.A. in Counseling from Reformed Theological Seminary, as well as a Certificate in...
Jan 19, 2021
Until recently couples who couldn't have children had only one godly option, to pray. That's what Sarah and Abraham did, recounted in the book of Genesis.
But couples struggling with infertility today are offered a number of high-tech solutions. One of the most common is called In vitro fertilization (IVF), where sperm...
Jan 12, 2021
Stephanie Gray Connors is a pro-life activist who is taking her advocacy for the pre-born to a logical conclusion for those suffering at the end of life.
She provides strong perspective about the dynamic of eliminating the sufferer vs. alleviating the suffering. She calls us to look at all humans as image bearers whose...
Jan 5, 2021
Andrew Lazo is a C.S. Lewis scholar known for his expertise in
Lewis' Till We Have Faces. Lazo delivers a strong apologetic that
Lewis' chief aim was to explain love.
Lazo carefully unpacks many Lewis books to reveal a push for
humanity to love rightly. This love is bound in Christ's call for
an ordered love of God and...