Aug 25, 2020
Andrew Lazo is a C.S. Lewis scholar known for his expertise in
Lewis' Till We Have Faces. Lazo delivers a strong apologetic that
Lewis' chief aim was to explain love.
Lazo carefully unpacks many Lewis books to reveal a push for
humanity to love rightly. This love is bound in Christ's call for
an ordered love of God and...
Aug 18, 2020
There are subliminal messages we adopt as Christians that need
to be challenged against the word of God. This week on Upstream
Lila Rose introduces a challenge to popular beliefs on
contraception, and she walks us from issues of abortion upstream to
fundamental beliefs on God's design and structure.
Lila Rose is the...
Aug 11, 2020
Abby Johnson is a former abortion clinic director who is a leading voice in the pro-life community. Abby highlights the image of God in every person, born and unborn. She believes the movement has changed to be more supportive for abortive parents and abortion workers.
Aug 6, 2020
Bob Lepine unpacks 1 Corinthians 13 and reveals that the "Love Chapter" isn't a presentation of feelings but is a set of instructions for loving intentionally. Since 1992, Bob has served as the co-host of Family Life Today. He is the author of several books, including The Christian Husband and Helping Your Children Know...
Aug 5, 2020
Parenting today is like meeting a Martian. The teenage world is so different from what we grew up in. David Eaton has an incredibly visionary ministry to parents that helps them translate contemporary culture as they stand tall in currents of thoughts, ideas, and byproducts of the world.